Maarten van Aalderen, correspondent for Italy at "De Telegraaf"

Thursday, February 21, 2019
at 5 pm, Aula Magna


Opening Remarks

Amb. Umberto Vattani, President of Venice International University
Prof. Carlo Giupponi, Dean of Venice International University

During the Opening Ceremony of the Spring 2019 Term of the Globalization Program, Amb. Umberto Vattani and Prof. Carlo Giupponi will welcome the many students, professors and guests from Member Universities, which this term focuses Environmental Management and Sustainable Development.

The semester will be inaugurated with a Lectio Magistralis delivered by Maarten van Aalderen, who has been correspondent for Italy, Turkey and Greece at the Dutch newspaper "De Telegraaf" for more than 20 years, and author of the book Il bello dell'Italia. The Dutch journalist, who was four times President of the Foreign Press Association in Italy and is currently Vice-President, interviewed 25 of his colleagues about what foreigners like about Italy, and in particular, what press correspondents like about Italy, with some surprising results.

Friends of VIU faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend the Opening Ceremony and the welcome reception that will follow.

Vaporetto line n°20, boat from San Zaccaria at 4.30 pm.

Link to line 20 boat timetable.



Van Aalderen 7574 rid

Maarten van Aalderen was born in 1965 in Weesp (the Netherlands). He has been living in Italy since 1990. He was the President of the Foreign Press Association in Italy from 2009 until 2011 and again from 2013 until 2015. He is currently vice-President.
He is director and coordinator of Global Journalism at the online university UniNettuno in Rome.
He holds a Phd in Philosophy from the university of Florence and for more than 22 years he has been a correspondent for the biggest Dutch daily newspaper, De Telegraaf, covering Italy and Turkey.
He works for the TV program Italiani di carta, made by Paolo Mieli, and broadcasted by the public television service of San Marino and Sky.
In 2005 he published the book Johannes Paulus II Een revolutionair conservatief (John Paul II. A revolutionary conservative), in the Netherlands, edited by Bzzztoh.
In 2015 he published Il bello dell’Italia. Il Belpaese visto dai corrispondenti della Stampa Estera (The beauty of Italy. The Belpaese as seen by Foreign Press Correspondents) published by Albeggi Edizioni. In 2017 he published Talenti d’Italia (Talents of Italy), published by the same editor.
Maarten van Aalderen won the Sicilia Madre Mediterranea Price in 2008, the international Prize for Culture Santa Margherita Ligure in 2009, the Coppa di Nestore Prize in September 2015, the Pablo Neruda Prize in Crispiano in 2017 and the merit “benemerenza” from the Società Dante Alighieri in Rome in June 2017.