VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the project “Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea” (PROMARES) financed by the Italy-Croatia INTERREG Program.
Program priority axis: Maritime Transport.
Program specific objective:Improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Program area.
Project objective
PROMARES aims to tackle this challenge through the development and implementation of coordinated strategies and pilot actions as to apply the concept of «port clustering», whereby ports, inland terminals and public authorities joinlty work as to develop an efficient co-modal network and streamline transport flows between ports and their hinterlands.
The clusterisation model covers both the land and the sea sides. Consequently, the specific objectives of the projects are:
a) to develop multimodal connections between major ports and logistics and multimodal nodes;
b) to enhance the efficiency of the different types of existing nodes by optimising the current capacity;
c) to support the development of short sea shipping (SSS) and MoS between the two shores of the Program Area.
The application of the most recent ICT systems will be pivotal as to maximise the project's impacts.
The project's results and pilot actions activities will be consolidated in a Cross-border Strategy as the basis for a development of a smart «blue economy», to be developed
with the involvement of the key stakeholders of the Program Area.
Lead Partner
Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Trieste, Italy).
Venice International University (Italy); North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Venice and Chioggia, Itay); Institute for Transport and Logistic Foundation - ITL (Italy); Ravenna Port Authority (Italy); Central Adriatic Port Authority (Ancona, Italy); Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Bari, Brindisi, Manfredonia, Barletta, Monopoli. Italy); RAM - Rete Autostrade Mediterranee SpA (Italy); Rijeka Port Authority (Croatia); Ploče Port Authority (Croatia); University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies (Croatia);
42 months from January 2019
Social Networks
Promares Newsletters
For subscriptions click here
Newsletter N.1 - July 2019
Newsletter N. 2 - January 2020
Newsletter N.3 - July 2020
Newsletter N.4 - January 2021
Newsletter N.5 - July 2021
Newsletter N.6 - April 2022
A short spot describing the aims of the Ports' participation to the project is now on air on a regional TV channel and on the radio, check it out from our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn profile! (in Italian only).
Please note that the text of this webpage only reflects the author´s view and that the programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.