Students at VIU member universities in programme countries in the European Union and selected partner countries can now apply for Erasmus+ grants (through their home university) for studies at Venice International University. These universities are:
- Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet
- Université de Bordeaux
- KU Leuven
- University of Ljubljana
- Stellenbosch University
The program of studies open to Erasmus+ students is the Globalizaton Program.
Interested students should refer to the Erasmus/International office in their home university.
PhD students selected for Intensive Graduate Activities may also be eligible for Erasmus+ grants for Doctoral Short Mobility. Refer to the coordinator of your VIU program for information.
Go to Section for Incoming Students
Students at the Italian universities participating in the E+ Mobility Consortium can apply for Eramus+ grants (through VIU) for studies at one of VIU's EU member universities in the EU. Specific calls for application are issued for these opportunities. Priority is given to students who have already attended, or who plan to attend, a semester of courses in the Globalization Program at VIU.
For more information:
- Learn more about VIU's Globalization Program
- Learn more about VIU's Intensive Graduate Activities
- Learn more about other scholarship opportunities at VIU