Erasmus+ accredited mobility consortium
Venice International University Mobility Consortium is an Erasmus+ accredited mobility consortium (N. 2022-1-IT02-KA130-HED-000068577) led by Venice International University.
The aims of the VIU Mobility Consortium:
- to further the goals of the internationalization strategies of the member organisations;
- to develop and intensify significant cooperation among the members of the consortium and with selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in programme and partner countries;
- to develop, promote and organize joint academic programmes, and promote transnational mobility activities for students and staff in the participating HEIs.
These aims will be pursued through the joint activities at lead partner Venice International University, which is an association of 23 universities from different parts of the world, including the 4 Italian HEIs participating in the mobility consortium application.
What does it mean for students?
1. Students at VIU member universities can now apply for Erasmus+ grants (through their home university) for studies at Venice International University. These universities are:
- Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet
- Université de Bordeaux
- KU Leuven
- Sabanci University
- Stellenbosch University
Interested students should refer to the Erasmus+ or International office in their home university.
The program of studies open to Erasmus+ students for long term mobilities is the Globalizaton Program.
2. Students at the Italian universities participating in the E+ Mobility Consortium can apply for Eramus+ grants (through VIU) for studies at one of VIU's member universities. Specific calls for application are issued for these opportunities. Priority is given to students who have already attended, or who plan to attend, a semester of courses in the Globalization Program at VIU.
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